Resources for workplace wellbeing

This page provides resources to help veterinary businesses promote health and wellbeing in the workplace. If veterinarians and other veterinary professionals are practising at their best, it is likely that your business will be thriving too. Some businesses are very advanced in this space (if that’s you, we’d love to hear what else you think we could include here). Others will be just starting out and we hope this page is helpful to you.

On this page
Information and guidance
Courses and learning
Apps and platforms

Information and guidance

Courses and learning

  • There are a large number of workplace training providers who focus on wellbeing and mental health. For example, the VCNZ team have attended courses run by Umbrella, who are all psychologists with wellbeing expertise).
  • A range of providers offer mental health first aid courses for businesses, including St John and Red Cross.
  • Know your Mindset. Do what Matters. is training for rural people managing change.

Apps and platforms

  • Mentemia is a NZ made digital wellbeing coach that businesses can provide to their teams.
  • Kite Veterinaryoffers an app-based wellbeing programme tailored for the veterinary profession.
  • Ignite Wellbeing is an online platform that gives people the power to access their choice of support anytime, anywhere in New Zealand.
  • Mindfulness apps like Headspace and Calm have business plans available.


  • You can use the HASANZ register to find a registered health and safety practitioner.
  • A quick internet search will find you bountiful options for workplace wellbeing support providers. For example, we have used Connect Communications (who have experience an interest in veterinary wellbeing).