Risk assessment tools for COVID-19 in the workplace

2 December 2021

We’ve worked with the NZVA to put together some tools to help businesses assess the risks of COVID-19 in their workplace and decide what measures to take (for example, vaccination requirements). These are a starting point and will need to be tailored to each business’ specific situation. If you are unsure about using them, we recommend you get advice. You can contact us or the NZVA for some basic advice and you can also get tailored advice by contacting a health and safety provider or an employment lawyer.

The risk assessment worksheet, helps work through risks and appropriate responses on a role-by-role basis:

Risk assessment worksheet [Word document]

The Risk register template is designed to help list and analyse all of the risks facing a business:

Risk register template [Excel document]

We also recommend that you read How to decide what work requires a vaccinated employee | WorkSafe.